greetings from 4cha - 三次元CG@ふたば保管庫

三次元CG@ふたば保管庫 [戻る]

155464 B

greetings from 4chan
ayy lmao

ayy lmao

I really, really, really like this image.

128121 B
Do you like Naked Banana?(←what's this?)now, I made this image improvised. present for you. Thank you!by the way, Is my English correct?

ayy niggas

ayy lmao
ur english is good
>can i greentext


thats a good improved banana :)


"Naked Banana" is correct. 👍

"Hallo" should be "Hello".

Great banana, I'm visiting from 8chan.




22690 B

>browsing 2chan cause I'm bored
>see this thread
fucking hell guys

oh christ, shitposting on 2chan?? why????

We need /int/ on 2chan actually.

124897 B
Me too anon
>banned from 4chan>wander the web>end up here>can't read shit

The only thing on here that's made sense to me.

Yo where the fuck is tech on this batch /b/rothers?

Hello my universal friends
I come to you in peace looking to speak with fellow internet wanderers
I recently came to a conclusion that men and women are not equal but parallel
what is your opinion about this?
I would love to read some feedback
I will post artistic oc (not created by me but by a very close being of mine)
Faggot will deliver!

FUUUUUUUUU You Nazi faggots im americunty too lol