Hi Japanese people. - 二次元ネタ@ふたば保管庫

二次元ネタ@ふたば保管庫 [戻る]

24810 B

Hi Japanese people. why do you like anime so much? The plot is stupid most of the time, the characters are unreal and way too emotional. Only anime i like is ghost in the shell and akira削除された記事が1件あります.見る

  Also are most of your girls are really so ugly without make-up and plastic surgery?




  To escape from reality.

  Also are most of Korean girls are really so ugly without make-up and plastic surgery?

  Korean and Native American are the same human race, they are Indio.
Korean(Tsunguse race) invade peninsyra from A.D. 1200 and killed the civilysed people.
As you know, Rhee chosum killed real korean.
Same thing happen in North America from A.D.1300, They killed civilised people who had made pyramids.
This is why the pyramid in north America is so few.
The people who lived ancient peninsura is Yayoi people who are Han-Chinese.
Korean cann't awarded Novel, because they are Indio never cultivated since before.

  Cultivated human race has small Jaw, because they has so long agiricaltural experience, cooking technologies makes thier Jaw smaller.
Ofcause Egyptian and South American, further more In Euro, Some People of England and Spain has small Jaw.
Korean and North American Indio has big Jaw and very short legs and thin eyebraw hair and big eyebraw bone, because they came from siberia tunguse, it's very cold place, and has stone age culture, hanting manmoth very very long time.
They are new mongoloid, stone age man.
They invade Peninsula and north America, because of famine.